Wednesday 18 May 2016

Unix Command

**Basic Unix Command**


  **Architecture of Unix**



**Index of Commands**

cat - Display or concatenate files

cd - change directory

chmod -  change the permissions on a file or directory

CP - copy a file

date - display the current date and time

diff - display differences between text files

file - determine the type of a file

find - find files of a specified name or type

ftp - file transfer program

grep - searches files for a specified string or expression

gzip - compress a file

help - display information about bash builtin commands

info - read online documentation

kill - kill a process

lpr - print out a file

ls - list names of files in a directory

man - display an on-line manual page

mkdir - make a directory

more - scan through a text file page by page

mv - move or rename files or directories

nice - change the priority at which a job is being run

passwd - change your password

ps list processes

pwd - display the name of your current directory

quota - disk quota and usage

rm - remove files or directories

rmdir remove a directory

sort - sort and collate lines

ssh - secure remote access

tar - create and use archives of files


#cat - display or concatenate files

 takes a copy of a file and sends it to the standard output (i.e. to be displayed on your terminal, unless redirected elsewhere), so it is generally used either to read files, or to string together copies of several files, writing the output to a new file.
cat ex

displays the contents of the file ex.


#cd - change directory

 is used to change from one directory to another.
cd dir1

changes directory so that dir1 is your new current directory. dir1 may be either the full pathname of the directory, or its pathname relative to the current directory.

changes directory to your home directory.
cd ..

moves to the parent directory of your current directory.



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